Even as I laughed at some of the things that he did (the psychologist stated that it was a condition known as Chronic Unfulfilled Desire Syndrome, which affects a person's ability to let go of childhood fixations and embrace maturity), I realise that I might be one of those afflicted who're also afflicted with this condition.
I always loved trains.
I never got them when I was young so I'd decided to let Caeden enjoy something that I didn't have when I was young. Wonder if there's anything wrong with that?
As I get new handphones, laptops, PDAs, XBOXes, Playstations, I wonder if they're just newer replacements of toys that I used to have (eg. my handheld games and Apple ][ computer).
Hmm... I remembered I also wanted a dog, hamsters, a model battleship, speedboat etc. (but my wife would never let me get them).
As the popular adage states, "when boys turn to men, their toys just get bigger".