I had an interesting discussion over Singapore's security yesterday.
My colleague said that over the past few years, there seemed to be a growing complacency in Singaporeans' attitude to take security for granted. She also raised her concern over a growing paranoia on her own life when she travels around.
This was in light of the recent murder at ang mo kio; where she used to stay.
Coupled with e recent spate of security lapses over Mas, e Subordinate escape and ICA fiasco, it's increasing proof that we cannot assume that crimes or terrorist acts will cease just because Singapore is known to be a "hard" target.
Even though our Home Minister claims that e system is robust, we must never forget that it's the people who run the system day after day that matter; ironically these are e ones who are often overworked, underpaid and the first to be blamed when something fails.
If the gatekeeper is sacked, who'll take care of the city?