"Never have I reared so many fish, in so many colours, using so many tanks; though it can be hard work, they give so much satisfaction."
After a brief encounter with bettas when I was very young, it was only recently that I was able to discover the "joy" of rearing fish again after I cleared a section of my cubicle (the part normally used to keep files). Since most of my work was "born digital", I didn't use that section much except to store spare folders, picture frames, stationery etc. As it was also not very well lit, the uses for that area were limited. And that was when I decided that I could set up an aquarium corner there.
And looking at it now, what a corner it has turned out to be :)
As mentioned in my previous post, I bought a red betta with the intention of teaching my children responsibility but due to the way they were treating it, I thought it was wiser to bring it to office where it could be a companion to my troops instead.
As I was totally inexperienced in taking care of fish, I started googling and joined several forums to learn more about fish rearing. With some confidence, I tried spawning with another two blue bettas that I bought and am now raising the fry to maturity.
Spawned in Nov 2013, the fry are approaching 3 months and are showing great progress. I have also given some away to friends, who unfortunately did not have the fortune to see them survive.
In the spirit of sharing, I will be writing in subsequent posts some of the experiences that I had in preparing the tanks, keeping and breeding adult bettas, feeding and raising fry as well as other stuff that I've picked up over the last few months.
Stay tuned!